Scenarıos, User Storıes and Use Cases

Scenario, user stories and use cases are the pieces of a set.

Scenario is the superset of the user stories and has details to direct the design team. The origin of the scenario is the market and the scenario is created by the user researcher.

User stories is a standard expression of each requirement and created by the product managers.

As to use cases, these are the test steps to verify the expectation in the user stories basically. The writers of the use cases are developers.


Scenarios are stories that capture the goals, motivations, and tasks of a persona in a given context. A scenario will include pictures of the persona, the context, and anything else that contributes to the story. Scenarios are used to bring the persona to life so that designers can role play when making design decisions. An example of a scenario, minus the accompanying imagery, is shown below.

Jim, a second year internal medicine intern at Mount Pleasant Hospital, walks into the room of his patient, Andrew Ross. Since Andrew stayed the night in the hospital, Jim needs to review Andrew’s medical records to see if the nurses on the night shift had checked in and recorded any changes in Andrew’s condition.

User Stories

Generated at the beginning of an agile sprint, user stories are brief statements regarding the requirements of the system. While the format varies on organizational/personal preferences, the traditional format for creating user stories uses the following statement; “As a <User Role>, I <<want/need>> <<goal/desire>> so that <<benefit>>.” Use of “need” versus “want” indicates if a requirement is required or a “nice to have” when building the system. 

An example of a user story is shown below.

As a doctor, I need to get up to medical date records so that I know how to proceed with my patients’ treatment.

Use Cases

Use cases are a set of instructions for achieving a goal. The audience should be able to read each step in a user case and know what to do with the system and how it should respond. Use cases will also include branching logic so that steps will be skipped depending on what actions the users performs. Use cases can be represented as a flow chart. To add to the confusion, there are also usage scenarios which typically only follow one sequence of steps in the use case, and the actor is assigned a name, like in a scenario. For example of a use case is shown below.

Use case: Review Records
Actor: Doctor
Doctor walks into room
Doctor sees patient in bed
Doctor identifies patient in bed
Doctor sees medical charts on foot of bed
Doctor gets medical charts from foot of bed
Doctor opens medical charts
Doctor reads medical charts
Doctor changes pages to continue reading
Doctor closes medical chart

In summary, the scenarios, user stories, and user cases are not the same thing but are the items of a process from idea based on requirements to reality resulted in customer satisfaction.

